You can test the App on different screen resolutions. Smartface makes it easy to develop for iOS and Android on Windows with a new perspective for developing applications on Cross-Platform technologies. Smartface generally caters to professional App developers. The Smartface houses some of the most powerful features to test your App. In this post, I will tell you about some of the best iOS emulators to run iPhones Apps on your Windows 7/8/10 and its variants. By means of an emulator, you can install and run all the iPhone Apps on your Windows PC.

You can run the iOS App Store Apps on any other ecosystem by means of an emulator App the functioning of the emulator depends on the power of the PC and also on the emulator Application itself. Today in this post, I will tell you about a few of the best Applications to run iPhone App Store Apps on your Windows PC and Mac or Laptop. There are also Apps that are exclusive to iPhone, iPad, or in broader terms Apple App Store. The OS has some strict security checks for 3rd party Apps and services to be accepted for the App Store.

Plus, when it comes to user privacy and OS security, Apple has installed all its armory to protect the same. Apple’s iOS is the world’s most secure OS given the fact that Apple’s tight controls on the availability of the apps on its App Store, vetting all apps to avoid allowing malware through.