When a storm is approaching, Swampert will pile up boulders to protect its nest. Swampert also has the ability to predict storms, sensing subtle differences in the sounds of waves and tidal winds with its fins. It has keen eyesight, enabling it to see in murky waters.

Swampert boasts the physical strength to easily drag a boulder weighing more than a ton, batter down opponents, and swim faster than a jet ski. Swampert is predominantly cobalt with a white abdomen, orange gills, and similarly orange padding on all four limbs. Similarly, a black fan-like tail fin extends upward from its hindquarters. Two large fan-like black fins extend from the top of its orange eyes to the back of its head. It has orange conical gills that protrude from round patches on either side of its face. It can stand on its three-toed feet with a hunched posture, and pick up or grab objects with its hands, but when moving about it tends to run on all four limbs. Swampert is an amphibian-like Pokémon with a bulky frame and four thick limbs, the two longer ones at the front serving as arms while the shorter limbs provide support for the creature if it chooses to stand upright. 5.6.6 By transfer from another generation.3.4 Pokémon Omega Ruby Crimson Passion and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Indigo Wisdom.2.2 Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Animated Trailer.Swampert can Mega Evolve into Mega Swampert using the Swampertite.

It evolves from Marshtomp starting at level 36. Swampert ( Japanese: ラグラージ Laglarge) is a dual-type Water/ Ground Pokémon introduced in Generation III.